Friday, December 4, 2015

The Cutest Purr in the World

Aaaw. We'd want a cat like Tribble if we had the time to care for one. He'd fit right in with the bird. Just listen to that purr. And to think he was returned twice to the shelter according to his owner Kimm:

"He was in the first home for three years before his owner died. Was returned to the shelter for a few months before being adopted by a family with four small children. They terrorized him for three or so years and he did not like that. He retaliated which did not please the mother. He was returned again. One of the provisos of us adopting him was that he was going into a calm home. Tribble was their favourite cat in the shelter. He chirps like a cricket and is super friendly. He was also the “test cat” when introducing new dogs into the shelter. If Tribble was cool with them they were then deemed cat-friendly."

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