Friday, September 25, 2015

Woman in wedding dress gives drowning man resuscitation

This video of a bride trying to resuscitate a man who drowned has been viralling. The young nurse is being named the 'prettiest bride' by Chinese media ...

Guo Yuanyuan, 25, was shooting her wedding photos on a beach in Dalian, north east China, when she heard a man had drowned, reported People's Daily Online.
She rushed to the scene and tried to resuscitate the man. Unfortunately, despite her best efforts, he eventually died.

After the man, who was spotted in distress, was rescued by onlookers, he was already unconscious and seemed to have suffered a heart attack.  No one knew how to perform CPR. About 100 feet away, Guo Yuanyuan, who was a cardiac nurse at a local hospital, happened to be shooting her wedding photographs on the same beach. Without thinking, she jumped off a three foot ledge and rushed to the scene while still wearing her wedding gown. She then proceeded to perform CPR on the man as well as giving him mouth to mouth resuscitation for over 20 minutes.In the process of saving the man, Guo had ruined her wedding dress, spoilt her make-up and broke her nails. Despite her sorry state, witnesses applauded the nurse's determination.

Info source: dailymail

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